Paratrike flight

Estás en: Home ExperienciasParatrike flight

    what are you waiting for? let's fly. feel free like a bird and you will certainly live an unforgettable experience.

    Paratrike is a variety of skydiving with two main differences: You don't need to have a prior knowledge (you don't need to do a class or to learn how to manage wind) and on the other hand it is not necessary that the takeoff is done at a certain height when a motor is incorporated.

    Conditions: your weight must be between 30 and 140 Kg. everyone can do this activity: kids, adults and also people with some disability as the passenger don't have to do anything because he will fly with a pilot which will take off, landing and managing the machine. The passenger will certainly be secure with a regular belt.

    There are different options:

    Option 1:

    • flight time: 15 min.
    • Prize: 69 €

    Option 2:

    • Flight time: 25 min.
    • prize: 89 €

    Option 3:

    • Visit to Castle of Sancti-Petri passing through the town and Punta del Boquerón.
    • Precio: 109 €

    Optional: photographic report + video HD recorded in flight for 20,00 € more.

    flight days: Every day (except days with unfavorable meteorological conditions)
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